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Post-Conference Update


Updated: Aug 24, 2022

A Special Thank You

Greetings, all!

We hope you all made it back home safe and sound following our 3rd Kairos International Conference! A big thank you to all who came and to those who contributed in so many ways to make this Conference the huge success it was! We'd also like to thank those in our larger Kairos family who were unable to attend, but who supported the Conference in prayer, finances and other ways.

We are grateful to our Lord Jesus who was so powerfully present and made Himself known to each of us in so many ways, and to Marc and Paula and the worship team who never failed to lead us into the manifest presence of God throughout our time together.

The primary goal of this conference was to launch the Simply Mobilizing movement (SMM) with our global family. The buy-in to the vision and ideas of SM was a huge encouragement! This Conference has been a ‘game changer’ not only for the Kairos family but also for the ministry of mobilization in general.

The next few years will see SM take shape in all our Kairos global regions and in the many countries that have been hosting the Kairos Course. By the grace of God, the prophetic voice of mobilization will soon be heard loud and clear, and the ‘sleeping giant’ will awake and sleep no more!

Vision Casting

We will continue to cast the vision of Simply Mobilizing in many and varied ways that will include conducting several global regional Conferences over the next few years. Hmmm, will this include your region?

Building International Community as a Tribe of Mobilizers In every country, the key to the success of SM is, ‘Simply Mobilizing mobilizers mobilizing and studying mobiology’. (Thank you, Kelly and Randall!) We will be working hard to ensure such mobilizers are raised up, fully equipped and released for this critical ministry at this critical hour in world mission.

International Launch of New Products These new products that go to the very heart in helping to form a truly Biblical world-view will be rolled out in the quickest possible way. We are passionate about resourcing our mobilizers.

Special thanks once again for all who attended the conference. Many identified as a highlight of the conference the rich fellowship experienced with such a wide variety and diversity of God’s people from so many cultures and countries of the world. God’s family is indeed amazing! And the Simply Mobilizing family is amazing!

We look forward to journeying together into exciting new realms of mobilization for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, within His Church and among the nations of the world.


Max Chismon International Director Simply Mobilizing International

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