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History of the Mobilization Movement

Writer's picture: SM SGSM SG

1989-90 Mission Awareness conferences

In the southern Philippines drew the Filipino church’s attention to the millions of individuals in unreached people groups within their own country. While the response to this challenge was overwhelmingly positive, the lack of education and understanding in cross-cultural missions was a major obstacle.


The introduction of the Condensed World Mission Course in Butuan City in the southern Philippines produced by Living Springs International.

The course was based on Dr Jonathan Lewis’ three-volume ‘World Mission Book’ and focusing on four major areas of mission concern – Biblical, Historical, Strategic and Cultural. Much of this was taken from ‘Perspectives on the World Christian Movement’, a study course produced by the Institute for International Studies at the US Center for World Mission.

Between 1996 and 2004 

The Condensed World Mission course, under the leadership of Max Chismon, director of Living Springs International in Butuan City, underwent 2 more revisions.


The 3rd edition was rebranded as Kairos reflecting the flourishing of the Kairos Movement internationally.


The currently used 4th Edition was launched reflecting very significant changes/developments in world mission thinking and practice.

Twenty one years on, the Kairos Course is on offer in almost 100 countries and translated into over 40 languages. For many Christians it has been a significant factor in understanding God’s heart for the nations, mobilising God’s people to mission at home and overseas.


Living Springs International transitioned into Simply Mobilizing International (SMI) and a new movement was launched introducing new products and programmes designed to help the church worldwide reach its potential to reap the greatest harvest ever in this generation.

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