about US
Our mobilization efforts in Singapore started in 1998 with the Condensed World Mission Course (CWMC). The course was based on Dr Jonathan Lewis’ three-volume ‘World Mission Book’ and focusing on four major areas of mission concern – Biblical, Historical, Strategic and Cultural. Much of this was taken from ‘Perspectives on the World Christian Movement’, a study course produced by the Institute for International Studies at the US Center for World Mission.

In 2005, the 3rd edition of the CWMC was rebranded
as Kairos reflecting the flourishing of the Kairos
Movement internationally.The Kairos course has a
significant impact in the development of a biblical
worldview and in understanding God’s heart for the
nations for the participants, and has been instrumental in opening the eyes of believers to the need to reach the remaining 7000 Least Reached peoples of the world.
In 2015, the Kairos course transited into the Simply Mobilizing (SM) movement which in addition to the Kairos course, introduces multiple mobilization courses and programs both for Christians as well as church leaders. SM is also focused on the development and training of mobilizers to enhance and grow this important ministry of mobilization.

To see all God’s people living a life on mission with God
To provide mobilization courses, teaching and training in order to:
Mobilize all God’s people to live a life on mission with God
Encourage the development of missional churches in today’s world
Empower mobilizers to function effectively in their God-given ministry
Level One Mobilization
Majority World
The Indigenous/National Church
The Body of Christ
Building, Beyond Blessing
Kingdom Culture
Integrity and Transparency
Training and Mentoring
Flexibility and Creativity